Exploring Canine Behaviour: Yawning and Lip Licking

Dogs, our closet companions, speak a language all of their own As observed in their interactions, dogs rely on

Exploring Canine Behaviour: Yawning and Lip Licking

Dogs, our closet companions, speak a language all of their own. As observed in their interactions, dogs rely on an intricate system of actions and reactions, vital in conveying their feelings and intentions. Let's delve into two important behaviors: yawning and lip licking, and explore what they communicate in canine linguistics.

1. Yawning

In human terms, a yawn often signifies tiredness. In the context of dogs, however, a yawn might mean more than just weariness or boredom. Dogs yawn in various scenarios, to express a multitude of emotions.

Peace Offering


One of the pivotal actions in canine language is the non-aggressive behaviour. Dogs frequently try to 'maintain the peace' via non-aggressive gestures. A yawn, strange as it may sound, is one of them. Observe around and you'll often spot a dog yawning just before approaching another canine or a human, in an attempt to signal its pacifist approach.

Stress Indicator

Not always a communicator of peace, a yawn might be a stress signal as well. When facing an unfamiliar or uncomfortable situation, dogs may yawn to indicate their anxiety. It's helpful to keep an eye out for such signals to ensure your pet's comfort and welfare.

2. Lip Licking

The act of a dog licking its lips, a simple gesture as it might appear, can be a complex signal in the canine world, communicating various messages based on the context.

Show of Submissiveness

In the wild, dogs showcase submissiveness to avoid unnecessary conflicts. One gesture to demonstrate this is lip licking. When encountering a more dominant or potentially aggressive dog, a canine may lick its lips as a way to communicate their submission, thereby defusing a potentially threatening situation.

Anticipation or Nervousness

Picture this! You're opening a bag of your dog's favorite treats, and you find them licking their lips in anticipation. However, lip licking isn't always a sign of eagerness or anticipation. It's also common for dogs to lick their lips when they are nervous or experiencing stress.

In a nutshell, understanding your dog’s body language is integral to achieving a more profound connection with them and assessing their needs more accurately. Keep in mind, however, individual dogs may have different personalities and their behaviours can vary.

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